Second FastTrack Capacity Building Week
29 - 31 March 2022, 09:30 - 13:00
Hosted virutally (online) by Stockholm, SE, - Zoom
This March, FastTrack Ambassador Cities, Local Affiliates (LAs), partners, and external supporters will come together for our second Capacity Building Week.
This time, our Community will be coming together to get informed about the various mobility innovations, strategies, and technologies they have chosen to focus on. The event will take place online, virtually hosted by FastTrack Ambassador Stockholm (Sweden).
As part of getting informed, we will be diving deeper into two of our cross-cutting themes: data management, and engaging local stakeholders.
FastTrack areas have expressed a need to delve further into data collection, selection and management, seeing the appropriate use of data as a critical step on the road to deploying innovative mobility measures. As such, this second Capacity Building Week will interrogate the importance of data in mobility policies, addressing technical and ethical considerations to data collection and management. Through a set of hands-on workshops, cities will learn about, and exchange ideas on, innovative data collection methods, data requirements for policy-making, and data processing tools.
Successful innovation roll-out depends on meaningful engagement of a wide breadth of stakeholders. Community participation will thus be the second cross-cutting theme that we explore as a group.
Finally – and as it always the case in our Capacity Building Weeks – FastTrack local areas will also have time to split up into their respective clusters to work together on their specific areas of focus, with an emphasis on facilitated peer exchange.
Stay tuned: we will be sharing live updates as the event onfolds on 29–31 March.
Click here to preview the agenda!
Image (Canva Pro) by "eugenesergeev, Getty Images Pro"
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This website is produced as part of the CIVITAS FastTrack Coordination and Support Action funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101006853. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the FastTrack project and in no way reflects the views of the European Union.