Cross-cutting themes
Themes relevant for all FastTrack local areas
Based on FastTrack Needs Assessments, the FastTrack Local Affiliates are working in four topical clusters. This will enable them to exchange specific insights in the areas where they most need innovative solutions that foster more sustainable transport and mobility. In addition, FastTrack has identified four cross-cutting themes relevant to all FastTrack Affiliates and Ambassadors. These themes will be integrated into and explored by all FastTrack clusters.
Behaviour Change
Mobility and transport systems have huge impacts on our daily lives. They shape our behaviours and choices regarding where to live, shop, work, and how to spend our leisure time. Behaviour change must go hand-in-hand with new innovations in order to swiftly and sufficiently transform our mobility and transport systems to be sustainable in the long-term. The FastTrack Community will consider how innovations will change behaviours, as well as how local behaviour change can support speeding-up the uptake of innovations.
Digitalisation & Data Management
Reliable data is critical to influence decision-making, secure buy-in, move forward with swift implementation, and monitor sustainable mobility innovations. Often, relevant data spans several areas, groups, modes of transport, and more. This breadth of data is not always available, easily managed, or comparable. Furthermore, collecting mobility and transport data can be challenging, due to privacy concerns, as well as challenges working with the private sector, who may be reluctant to share commercially-sensitive data. Innovative data platforms are needed, which bring all types of mobility data together, and make this available to public and private stakeholders. Furthermore, innovative approaches to digitalisation and data management may be relevant to all local authorities, across all facets of sustainable mobility and transport.
Funding, Financing & Business Models
Even the most ambitious and proactive local authorities will struggle to implement innovative solutions without appropriate funding. Furthermore, new business models and financing schemes can themselves be innovations with far-reaching potential impact. Both of these components – namely, funding innovative solutions, and new financing schemes as innovative solutions – are relevant to all FastTrack local authorities, and will be considered across all clusters.
Governance, Participation, Cooperation, and Co-creation
New solutions will, simply put, not be successful in the long-term without the buy-in of local communities. New governance arrangements that foreground participation and cooperation are needed to ensure that mobility and transport systems are transformed as soon as possible, and in a sustainable and long-lasting manner. Similarly to other FastTrack cross-cutting themes, 'governance, participation and cooperation' can be seen as critical to innovative mobility solutions in two ways: firstly, FastTrack local authorities will explore governance and participation arrangements that support the speedy implementation of mobility solutions; secondly, new governance schemes will be explored as mobility innovations in and of themselves.

This website is produced as part of the CIVITAS FastTrack Coordination and Support Action funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101006853. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the FastTrack project and in no way reflects the views of the European Union.