Integrated Multi-modal Mobility Solutions

Safe, affordale, accessible and well-connected public transportation systems are critical to provide all residents with a convenient alternative to the private car. There are an array of innovative interventions in this field – including those related to: maintenance of transport fleets, ticketing systems, service integration and intermodality, accessibility for people with reduced mobility, new management and financing schemes – which can be applied in local contexts. In particular, FastTrack cities working in this cluster will explore public and shared mobility, multi-modal hubs, integrated network services, so-called Mobility as a Service (MaaS), and integrated e-ticketing systems.

Local Ambassador: Budapest (Hungary)
The Integrated Multi-modal Mobility Solutions cluster is being led by FastTrack Ambassador the Municipality of Budapest, with support from the Center for Budapest Transport (BKK). Budapest has a relatively dense and extended public transport network with various services (bus, tram, metro, boats, public bike-sharing) supported by a real time journey planner and traffic management system. The city's first SUMP established a goal to reduce the modal share of private cars from 35% (in 2014) to only 20% by 2030, while increasing public transportation's modal share from 45% (in 2014) to 50% by 2030.
Integrated Multi-modal Mobility Solutions
Through past projects, Budapest has honed its skills in involving residents in in-depth, participatory public tranportation planning. Co-creation with locals has led to the development of "citizen pilot projects" to aid with traffic calming, the creation of mobility points, temporary micromobility lanes, safer walking and cycling to schools, and an interactive walking path.
Budapest will work with its FastTrack partners to implement solutions that improve the connection between public transport and micromobility, as well as between public transport and shared mobility services, both in the city proper and extending to include its suburban areas.
Relevant prior experiences
Budapest developed much of its expertise by joining other relevant European projects, including Cities4People and CIVITAS SUNRISE. Through these projects and more, Budapest has already been actively involved in collaborating with vastly different local areas to transfer and collaboratively evaluate mobility solutions.
Local Affiliates

This website is produced as part of the CIVITAS FastTrack Coordination and Support Action funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101006853. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the FastTrack project and in no way reflects the views of the European Union.